Darling, Darling, Darling…
Darling, Darling, Darling, I Can’t Wait for the World to End
By Jax Soon-Legaspi
as we approach the era of Revelations
high rises crumble and dissolve like pillars of salt
many-eyed angels—remnants of the surveillance state—tread on rusty nails
(glory be to the warmongers who art in heaven)
sick of death, sick of plague
sick of our obsession with the OldNew World
defiantly we mourn and heal and forget
we will find a new Silk Road through the Silicon desert
and a beaten car to send down its asphalt
with empty cans tied to the back, rattling like wedding bells
and the poor souls will feel salvation from the engine’s gospel groan
it was not always this
not forever lasting or heaven-sent
You and I sing the chorus
of a world awaiting its end