By Joe McFadden
I lie on the base of the pool
I pulled a towel into the depths and pulled
And stirred cloth into flailing wings
The ops manager staring at my mom from above the surface
Clandestine practices always look perturbed from afar
Water boy
Currents bend
Pools of simple syrup
I jostle and pour streams into spirits
Aerated molecules
Broth among me
Larvae, ochre pine needles
Stones too
Too unwieldy to carry
Rocks plucked from shallow basins
To never be touched again
Will I touch the same molecules again?
Or will you swim downstream and end up being ingested
By aquifers and root networks
Resurrecting into vapor
Dare I say sucked through straws grasped by calloused fingers
For a moment beads pour off of me
I continue stirring tidal patterns
Percussive drops of aqueous
No one sees me
I stay still in calm waters until the seventh call home must be heard
The water leeches from my clothes
Returning slowly to the body of One