On hearing the word 'philosophy' itself, most of us connect it to history, for only there have we ever really heard about it. While philosophy may have started in the 6th century BCE as a revolutionary discipline carried on by famous philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, philosophy still holds a fundamental position in the modern world.

Philosophy provides ethical guidance, inspires critical thinking, addresses global challenges, and encourages personal and societal development.

Yet the persistent question of how students play a role in any of this manages to linger in the minds of many, when all the while, we students are where philosophy begins and flourishes. Student philosophy is a topic that remains foreign to most and familiar to few.

In simpler terms, student philosophy is the understanding of why and how, through the perspective of a student.

Thus, to inspire the thinking of young philosophers, Bardics Anonymous brings forth our answers to the curiosities embodied by the teenagers of this world, decimated and dismantled through “Student Philosophy: An Advice Series.”

  • Conflict

    One of the most contradictory and debatable topics is conflict. For many youth, it is hard to manage. Find out how to manage it from one student to another.

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