Old Friends

Old Friends

By Marah Holman

It’s such a simple thing to say. 

Life is life, and that’s about it. 

It’s been with you for so many years now that you are questioning it.

Holding onto every little insight everyone else gives you, 

No matter if it resonates with you or not, 

Forever collecting like readers and books. 

At some points in your life, you forget about life, 

You’re so happy that you don’t care. 

It’s only when you have some kind of existential crisis that it matters,

Only when life is kicking you around do you care about it, 

And by saying you care about it, you don’t. 

Sometimes you wish it weren’t there because it hurt you so badly. 

On other days, without knowing it, you wish it would never end because…

Why would you want it to? 

You want a day in your life when you will wake up and say,

“Life’s been ok. 

We’re friends now.”


To Remember That I Love You


The Bus