
The Circle of Life
As he emerged from the birth canal, the warm air from the delivery room heater took him in his embrace.

Horses Can't Ride Alone
Photo Credit: Grace Sleeman
Foundational texts in horsemanship and horsecareship.

The Unresolved Duel
Photo Credit: Kristin Hildebrand
The kingdom is in disarray. It has been for years, it is said.

Father’s Gun
Photo Credit: Grace Sleeman
The air was still. A silver valley, padded with snow.

Searching for Life
Photo Credit: Grace Sleeman
The clouds swirled over the perfect blue of the seas.

The Garden
Photo Credit: Kristin Hildebrand
There is a void at the end of the garden. Both gardens, to be exact.

The Death of a Lunatic
Photo Credit: Kristin Hildebrand
The last paint strokes were laid on paper by Rit’s brush before climbing the corporate building.

Everything Ends, New Life Has Begun
Photo Credit: Grace Sleeman
A girl cannot stop herself from evolving. She must fight, a brutal and bloody battle for her beauty.

Broken Hands, Broken Brains
Photo Credit: Kristin Hildebrand
Dizzy in a vacuum, he felt the silence sting his skin, hearing nothing of his surroundings.

Under the Oak Tree
Photo Credit: Chaitra Shidhalingannavar
The monochrome photograph of three boys the little girl had never heard of before sat in the dining room on top of the white lace table runner.

The Fear of Brussels Sprouts
Photo Credit: Isabelle Orozco
Why the ever-present risk of their precious television tumbling to its doom didn’t bother his grandparents, Cyrus would never know.

Woven Skin
The vegetable tan makes for a nice patina—the only problem is that extra month it takes to get a real film.

Myitowne Guided Tour
Hello! Welcome to Myitowne. I’ll be your guide; I’ll make sure you don’t get lost in the rich natural environment that we maintain here.

Maybe I Wish You Had Aborted Me, Too
Do you remember Halloween, 2008? I told you I wanted to be a pirate.