

By Marissa Wilkinson

Please input destination.


Click ‘Start Journey’ to receive audio instructions. This is recommended if you are driving alone so you can focus on the road, not your phone!

Audio instructions enabled.

In 50 metres, turn left onto Ash Street.

Continue on Ash Street for 400 metres until you reach the fork in the road. Pick one.

The road less travelled by has been selected!

In 100 metres, continue in the rightmost lane.

In 50 metres, continue in the rightmost lane.

Continue in the rightmost lane.

Terrain mode suggested for a better travel experience.

Do not hesitate to speed if you encounter them. They will not hesitate.

In 50 metres, turn onto Highland Road.

Turn onto Highland Road. 

Continue on Highland Road for 4 kilometres. The long brown path before you leads wherever you choose.

Do not turn the radio on. Sit with your own thoughts, so that the compass of your soul might direct you toward the territories of spirit.

Any voices you hear are imagined. This road is slightly busier than usual, however, so expect some delay in your travel plans. If this does not reflect your current status, please feel comfortable to correct us, we’re always looking to better the accuracy of our services!

Sorry for the confusion! We have updated our system to match your feedback! Expect no delay to your travel plans as there is no traffic.

In 1 kilometre, turn right onto Ridgeway Street.

In 500 metres, turn right onto Ridgeway Street.

In 100 metres, turn right onto Ridgeway Street.


In 50 metres, turn right onto Ridgeway Street.


Turn right onto Ridgeway Street. Continue on Ridgeway Street for 12 kilometres. We recommend you take this time to rest your eyes. Close them for a while. We assure you you don’t need to worry about crashing. But you start dying slowly if you do not go after a dream, so chase it!

Any voices you hear are imagined. But we really do recommend you close your eyes! If you’d rather not, please do not look in your rearview mirror or your side windows. Keep your eyes on the road in front of you! Only look out your front window–

Slam the accelerator. Hit the pedal fast. Go. Go. Go. You won’t have another chance. They won’t let you escape again. Accelerate, damn it! Left, left, left, we don’t care what road it is, just go left.


Continue on Valley View Road for 5 kilometres. And little by little, as you leave their voices behind, the stars begin to burn through the sheets of cloud. Look at them. They’re pretty, aren’t they?

In 1 kilometre, do not turn left onto States Avenue.

In 500 metres, do not turn left onto States Avenue.

In 100 metres, do not turn left onto States Avenue.


In 50 metres, do not turn left onto States Avenue.


Do not turn left onto States Avenue. Go off-road to the left. Follow the brook that flows to the river, the river that flows to the sea. Free. You’re free here.

Continue on Being’s Road forever.

Think of the long trip home.

Continue on Being’s Road forever.

The forest of the dead.

Continue on Being’s Road forever.

Eternity by term.

Continue on Being’s Road forever.

References (ordered chronologically):

  1. The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)

  2. Song of the Open Road (Walt Whitman)

  3. For The Traveller (John O’donohue)

  4. You Start Dying Slowly (Martha Medeiros)

  5. The Journey (Mary Oliver)

  6. Freedom (Olive Runner)

  7. Questions of Travel (Elizabeth Bishop)

  8. Time and Eternity, Poem 22: The Journey (Emily Dickinson)


Letting Go


Father’s Gun