How Grateful Are You To Be Alive?

How Grateful Are You to Be Alive?

By Dhyani Joshi

Have you ever wondered what the possibility of you being born is? The current population of our world is eight billion and you are one of them. You might think that's a lot of people and there's nothing extraordinary in that, but you being one of these people is proof that the universe gave you the chance to exist—to live. You may wonder what the point is since we all die at the end. But death is common to all and it is inevitable. See, dying is common, but truly living is not. Living is as special as it is nearly impossible. The universe chose to give you a chance to exist. 

So say yes. 

Yes to new experiences, yes to new people, yes to things you might not be sure about. Say yes to life; be grateful for this life. I know that life is not a bed of roses and that we all go through something. But if I'm being honest, life will never go your way. This is not a grand notion or an unanticipated response. However, being grateful in these difficult situations is the reassurance that something better will come out of it. The chances of you being here are unpredictable. Gratitude is not just an emotion; rather, it is a trait that's usually not innate. Yet life has its way of teaching us to be grateful. Life is the greatest gift you can receive. So embrace your life, the people in it, and all of the challenges that come your way. 

Just have it all. Live the best life you can. Prove that the universe was correct for giving you a life.

You can’t control the ebb and flow of life, but you can control how you observe it, and how you embrace it.


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