15 rules to live by

15 Rules to Live By

By Skylar B.

  1. Find beauty in the simplest things. Find it in everything around you, especially in the mirror. Seek it in every nook and cranny, embrace that reflection of yourself like a woman scorned.

  2. Expect nothing, appreciate everything. It is in eschewing simplicity and unencumbered arrogance that humanity loses its appreciation.

  3. Love deeply; let love enfold you. Revel in the joy of having that ability to love, in being both gentle and hard-headed.

  4. Let the light in (cue Lana Del Rey). It is okay to reveal yourself at times, if people don’t like the real you, fuck them. Besides, it could make for some sick-ass poetry after the fact.

  5. Don’t let eternity sound like punishment. You’ll be stuck with it for far too long as is, so why let yourself hate it before the purgatory even begins?

  6. You are here to understand yourself, not to be understood.

  7. Accept the risks, all success requires action, every action has a consequence. Stop interpreting consequences as something vile and embrace the possibility of change. Besides, “to become spring, means accepting the risk of winter.”

  8. Look beyond daily life, as life is so much more than what you’re dealt.

  9. With that said, though, stay in the here and now. There’s enough beauty here to revel in it and not be somewhere else. Have aspirations and goals, but don’t let them take from what you already have.

  10. Live life, don’t control it.

  11. Fall in love with the process; Let every little thing fall into place like a puzzle.

  12. Let yourself love to learn; it is in making things a task that it becomes a chore.

  13. Listen to your body. Talk to plants. Live deliberately.

  14. Make peace with time, she is not going anywhere. She is necessary to heal, so why put off the impeding truth?

  15. Explore your soul like it is the most desirable travel destination you can imagine.


How Grateful Are You To Be Alive?