Glass Idoltries.
Glass Idoltries.
By Bahr
An empty house,
Filled with glass idols, up to the brim.
Sunlight enters through the roof,
It shelters in.
Between the cracks and the rims
Of the windows, where rooms were once so dim.
There a girl is lit
To the outpour of colour
Cerulean, violet, emerald wonders
She burns in the beauty she has discovered
Amethyst, rose and crimson
The prodigal daughter feasts them.
Her appetite never falters, yet the sun slowly alters
It dips down back into the world,
Slips from the crevices of the house
And slowly lifts the light from the girl’s mouth.
All the colour in her stomach slowly drifts about
And she sinks towards the darkness
In the presence of her idols.
They watch and lie in wait,
To see the light they can give her,
Yet they can only hold their hands in statued wait
To the demise of their daughter’s bludgeoned fate.