

By Villae

As I'm buried underground, soil falls on my casket

It erodes away as time passes,

Quicker than the memories my loved ones possess of me

I fade into (become one with) my surroundings.

The critters chitter-chatter and feed on my skin,

Now nothing more than a memory of where you once touched,

Healed parts of me I never knew were broken,

The same hands you held now fall apart,

The same hands that consoled you now rot.

The eyes that you once loved,

The face you admired,

The smile you adored, now exists not.

And the critters do me justice or mere cruelty only time will tell,

As they feed upon me they feed upon a part of you, 

Etched in me for centuries to come.

And in a sense, all the parts of you in me become one,

All the memories held dear 

Now engulfed by soil and dust.

So I prefer to be burned

Where my memories seem to perish deep in the embers

Instead, they float in the wind

Carefree, ambient, and at ease

For as long as the wind blows 

And the seas hold their breeze

My love for you exists as true as the sun

Or rather my longing to be loved

And you never existed

Like the wish in me to be alive


Flying Over Arizona at 9:00 PM


Even the rainbow fades