The Importance of Writing Rebellion

The Importance of Writing Rebellion

By Yashaswini Sharma

Toni Morrison said, “The best art is political and you ought to be able to make it unquestionably political and irrevocably beautiful at the same time.” Given the—seemingly perpetual—state of the world, it is more important than ever to remember the power we artists wield, the power to shape thoughts and actions with our art, words, images, films, and songs. 

While it is more imperative than ever to write honestly and spread awareness, it can be extremely overwhelming if one does not know where to begin. Here are three ways to create what you know best and bring about social change.

1. Take a minute to listen, observe, and understand

When conversing with someone who has dealt with discrimination, it is ideal to let them speak. I’ve made a rule of being an active listener in such situations, only giving my opinion or advice when explicitly asked. This also helps me understand the nuances of the situation, which in turn allows me to write a more in-depth piece.

2. Research, research, research (Be media literate)

After conversations and interviews, it is ideal to get to the library (if not in the literal sense). Do your research and make sure to read all available points of view. It can be tempting to let yourself side with the perspective you resonate the most with, but try not to do that. Art is political, but it is also thoroughly researched. Once you feel like you know everything about the topic or conversation from all angles, you’re ready to form your own thesis.

3. Community is key

Once you have created something you are proud of, something that represents the matter that you want to talk about, make sure to share it with your friends. Tell everyone about it, shout it from the rooftops. That is the best way—albeit also the most embarrassing way—to get eyeballs on your project. Social media is one route, but nothing beats word-of-mouth. Show people you care about the matter and make sure you tell them a story. Good storytelling is a highly effective method for getting people who know nothing about your cause to care about it. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list, folks. This is just a starter pack of sorts to get over the insurmountable hurdle of getting started. Break it into actionable chunks, take it slow and steady, keep yourself updated, and keep believing in the existence of a better future.


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